I’ve heard the titular phrase a lot in my life. Given the wisdom of age, I recognize at least two or three “big girls” from my past who I discounted …
Instructions For A Bad Day
A beautifully crafted short film. Bookmark it and return when life reaches out and punches you in the mouth, knocks you down and tries to keep you there. Life might …
Paul Nicklen: Tales of Ice-Bound Wonderlands
When I think about the sort of storyteller I want to be, I think of Paul Nicklen. His images and words resonate with his audience because they first resonate with …
Editor gets $25K to cut trailer, does this instead
This is a wonderful reminder that most creativity comes from the heart and soul, not the brain. The mind is a tool to process and express creativity, but it is …
In the end, we are all pretty fucking lucky.
First, just watch this film. Then, go shake the hand of a veteran or give them a hug and say “Thanks”. Then, rewatch it a few times. There are lots …
Stop. Look. Go. A Recipe For Happiness
Just watch. I have nothing to add that Brother David Steindl-Rast does not already say. 😀
Be Nice
One comment I frequently hear is … “Wow. It takes a lot to get you mad. Don’t you have a temper?” I do. If you really know me, you have …
On Craft and Story
Today, I relaunch my website with a new focus. I am a storyteller. It has taken a while for me to really own that title. Lots of twists, turns and …